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The main goal of external pageALOHA is to facilitate implementation of deep learning on heterogeneous low-energy computing platforms. To this aim, the project will develop a software development tool flow, automating:

  • algorithm design and analysis;
  • porting of the inference tasks to heterogeneous embedded architectures, with optimized mapping and scheduling;
  • mplementation of middleware and primitives controlling the target platform, to optimize power and energy savings.

During the development of the external pageALOHA tool flow, several main features will be addressed, such as architecture-awareness (the features of the embedded architecture will be considered starting from the algorithm design), adaptivity, security, productivity, and extensibility. external pageALOHA will be assessed over three different use-cases, involving surveillance, smart industry automation, and medical application domains.

The Digital Circuits and Systems Group  of ETH Zurich, will be directly involved in neural network quantization and approximation for energy-efficient inference as part of this project.

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